Permco P257 Series Pump/Motor are a heavy-duty sleeve bushing design in a medium frame size. These units are built to withstand working pressure up to 4500 PSI. Internal cubic inch displacements from 1.29” through 6.43”. The 257 Series Pump/Motor can withstand speeds up to 2400 RPM and produce flows up to 65 GPM. The housings are doweled to withstand higher pressures and are built using high strength cast iron construction. The internals consist of high strength alloy steel gear and shaft sets. Porting options consist of NPT & SAE ports. Both single inlet/single outlets and single inlet/dual outlet bearing carriers. Overall, the pressure balanced wear plates maintain high pump efficiency throughout all operating ranges.
Technical Specs
Pumps in this series
M257A731SSZA20-00 | M257A731WWZA17-00 | M257A767VVZA20-6 | P257A086BBZA10-54 |
P257A086DAZA20-14 | P257A431HAZA15-00 | P257A431GAZA25-00 | P257A131HDZA10-14 |
P257A131PYZA17-6 | P257A186ZPZA20-14 | P257A131YPZA17-6 | P257A186HDZA17-14 |
P257A467HDZA12-6 | P257A490POZA17-14 | P257B086AXZA25-14UKCZA10-1UXNZA10-1 | P257B131AHZA20-87HKCZA20-1 |
P257B167CIZA20-6HNXZA20-1 | P257B186AHZA20-14FLA(SPL)ZA05-1 | P257B186AHZA20-14FLAZA05-1 | P257B186AHZA20-87HKCZA20-1 |
P257B331PPZA22-00GCXZA07-1 | P257B367DAZA20-87SQXZA20-1 | P257B367PFZA17-6 EBXZA12-1CBXZA17-1 | P257B399PXZA20-00CCXZA17-1 |
P257B431AHZA20-87(ZKCSPL)ZA20-1 | P257B431YPZA12-14DCXZA10-1 | P257B499SSZA20-00DCXZA17-1 | P257C331AHZA10-87GJB(SPL)ZA10-1 |
P257C431AHZA12-87HBBZA12-1 | P257C431AHZA15-87HBBZA15-1 | P257C431PNZA15-14(CRO) | P257C431YPZA12-87DXCZA10-1 |
P257L131YPZA20-87DCXZA17-1 | P257B467AHZA20-6(ZKCSPL)ZA20-1 | PB257A331CAZA22-14/P124AEVZA07 | P257B367AHZA25-6SPLZA07-1 |
PB257B367(ICAA)ZA12-6UNXZA12-1 | P257B431AXZA25-00VKCZA25-1 | PB257B386(AVAB)ZA15-14SNXZA10-1 | P257L486AHZA20-00ZKCZA20-1 |
P257C387CEZA15-32UMXZA15-1UMXZA10-1 | P257B186VCZA17-14TQXZA17-1 | P257A467PRZA20-00 | P257B086AHZA20-14EHDA07-1 |
P257B367IMZA15-6EBXZA10-1 | P257B467AHZA17-6XNXZA17-1XKCZA07-1 | P257B131YPZA17-87DCXZA15-1 | P257B431AHZA20-00VKCZA10-1 |
P257B131GAZA25-00TNXZA20-1 | M257A767XXZA20-6 | P257L131YPZA12-14DCXZA10-1 |
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